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Cemeteries Information System - Research Tools

The CIS provides Foundation Researchers with tools to review decedent biographical information, photos, and document images submitted by the general public, descendants, educators, and other researchers.

CIS Research Login Screen Image 2025.png
  • Validate information or documents submitted to the Foundation - to assure the accuracy of decedent info

  • Assure CIS information conforms with established CIS taxonomies and formats

  • Propose information elements or document images additions to the CIS database, and adaptations of information taxonomies or formats. 


Note: We desire CIS information values and free text retain contemporaneous descriptive integrity, rather than be converted to modern terminology or labels. (E.g., if the ethnicity/race of an individual is noted as "negro' in historical enslaved sale documents, then that term will be recorded in the CIS Ethnicity/Race information field)

Additionally, researchers:

  • Determine if photo and document images proposed for posting in the CIS are in the public domain, or include appropriate citations or use rights.  

  • Add private notes to decedent records, viewable only by other Foundation researchers and administration.

  • Prepare new decedent records for addition to the CIS (the actual publishing of a proposed record to be completed by the Foundation)

The Cemetery Information System developed by the Foundation is a 'first of its kind' information gathering and sharing technology platform.  As such, the public and researchers may see opportunities for improving data presentation and records management. The Foundation is keen to enhance the CIS based on Researcher input.  

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