Your Support Can Take Many Forms
Your monetary contributions, time, specials skills, or services can make a tremendous impact on the upkeep and promotion of our cemeteries within the community
Mt. Zion / Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. (Black Georgetown Foundation) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization created to jointly manage the preservation and commemoration of the Mt. Zion and Female Union Band Society Cemeteries. DONATIONS OF ANY AMOUNT ARE APPRECIATED. Your gift can fund our preservation, restoration, and education programs - or you can direct your giving to a Foundation initiative that speaks to you. Donations can be given using:
Or using our CASH APP
Or by CHECK - made out to Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. and sent to:
Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc.
c/o John Seiver, Of Counsel
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
1301 K Street NW, Suite 500 East
Washington, DC 20005
If you have questions or would like to discuss a special gift, please complete this contact form:
Financial gifts are used to support programs:
Preserving and restoring the cemeteries grounds, gravestones/memorials, tree canopy, and erosion control
Developing the site as a historic memorial park - to serve as a sacred place for quiet reflection, the respectful commemoration of the past, and a space to promote unity and appreciation
That remembers and preserves the heritage of the lives, contributions, and sacrifices these founders of Georgetown made during their lifetimes; and provides insight to their families and the community in which they lived, during a time of deep segregation
Educational, commemorative, and celebratory events production funding, such as the "Voices of Zion"
Cemetery Information Research - via an Internet-accessible information system
Ghana Memory Stone monument for the display of the plaque designating the historic cemeteries a UNESCO The Slave Route: Resistance, Liberty, Heritage Site of Memory
Cemeteries Groundskeeping / Grass cutting Service ($3,600 annually)
Renovation of Railings and Stairs Leading to the Historic Cemetery Vault
Financial support can also take the form of:
Give a gift that keeps on giving: establish a recurring automatic donation through our secure online donation service.
You can double the value of your gifts if your employer will match your charitable donations. Speak with your employer community relations team to obtain donation match guidance.
A gift of appreciated value stocks, bonds or mutual funds can offer tax-savings benefits (a gift transfer of securities to a non-profit does not incur the capital gains tax of an asset sale).
Insurance policies originally created to protect minor children who are now grown may have a significant cash value which can make a valuable charitable gift.
Making a Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA to Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. can count toward your required minimum distribution and reduce distribution income taxes.
Your time, specials skills, or services can make a tremendous impact on the upkeep and promotion of our cemeteries within the community.
Enhance your Amazon shopping account to include AmazonSmile and a portion of the purchase price of your purchases will be donated to Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc.
Estate Giving
Supporters may also chose to include the Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. in their Wills or estate giving plans. Such future gifts will help our efforts to rediscover and share nearly two centuries of last African American history in Georgetown, and to develop and preserve a historic memorial park to serve as a sacred space for quiet reflection and respectful commemoration of the past.
Planned gift giving and estate bequests are relatively easy to establish - and to change, should you ever need the assets during your lifetime or if your gift-giving goals change.

Estate gifts or bequests may take many forms, including a defined dollar amount, or gifts of assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, IRAs, or life insurance policies. For example, Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. can be a named beneficiary in an Individual Retirement Account.
Estate related cash or asset donations can be given outright. Alternatively, they may take the form of a residuary gift, paid to Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. after other bequests of the estate have been satisfied, or they can be a contingent bequest - a gift given to our organization should the designated beneficiary(ies) predecease you.
The first step is to make a pledge: The next time I consult with my advisers regarding my financial / estate plan, I will express my intention that Mt. Zion /Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. be included in my plans as a charitable beneficiary. Even if I don’t know now what form a future gift might assume, I want to provide a legacy for preserving the Mount Zion - Female Union Band Society Cemeteries that aligns with my philanthropic goals, is vetted by my advisers, and makes sense for me and my family.
Please find below the nomenclature that your estate planning or financial advisor will need should you choose to include Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. in your estate plan documents:
Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc., a Washington, DC non-profit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number: 20-4120416
If you have already included the Mt. Zion/Female Union Band Historic Memorial Park, Inc. in your estate plans but have not yet informed us, please let us know - we would love to thank you!